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Finding and Using Your Voice

To be honest, this was not the blog post I had planned for this week. Life changes and we have to change with it. I decided to scratch my original plan and post this instead because I felt it was a lot more needed at this time. Here we go!

This post was inspired by a lot of things but let me start with the first. I love the "WHOA That’s Good Podcast" by Sadie Robertson Huff. It is my best motivator. The people she brings on tell you just what you need to hear! Oh my gosh, I’ve learned so much. One thing Sadie always asks her guests is, “What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?” Being a fanatic and holding on to the dream that one day I would be on the podcast, I turned around and asked myself that same question. I couldn’t think of anything.

Certainly, I’ve received advice. There must have been something! My mind was completely blank. I was disappointed but then realized something. I don’t think I've ever absorbed advice, I’ve merely heard it and chosen to leave it in the back of my mind. I had to really think about my tough circumstances. I had to think about times where I felt like all hope was lost, and what I turned to in those moments. One thing I remember very distinctly after thinking about this is something my youth pastor said to me. She said, “I can see that you are an achiever and so capable, BUT don’t be afraid to use your voice”. I guess I could say that is what inspired me to take this step.

There is so much happening in this world. Stories of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and countless others are on my heart right now. Every life is so unique, every voice is unique. I had to realize that no one was going to say what needed to be said for me. No one was going to read my mind and pitch the idea I’ve been sitting on. No one will hear my voice if I don’t learn to find it. It’s absolutely terrifying to actually lean into that. I get scared every time I post a blog. Failure is inevitable in this life, and yet it’s our biggest fear.

Hiding behind the fear of failure hinders growth. We are not perfect and all our actions won’t be perfect. Allowing ourselves to say what matters to us, to be open to criticism, and to be open to being educated is how we grow together. I am tired of holding things in. I am tired of making myself small and being scared to speak my mind. This is my voice. Find yours and dig deep into that. For anyone struggling with this, I decided to list some journal prompts to guide you in that direction.

  • What is the best advice you have ever been given? Are you staying true to that advice?

  • How does the current situation of the world make you feel?

  • What are some things that have happened recently that are important to you? Why are they important?

  • Are there any parts of yourself that you tend to hide from others? Think about why this could be.

  • How do you best express yourself? How can you make an impact in this way?

Once you find that voice, I challenge you to use it for good. The world is breaking and with it my heart. Silence has no impact, silence equates to complacency with the current situation. Some of you have never had to really lean into your voice and speak. This is the best time to do that. The world can only heal if every individual makes the effort to change.

Please Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund and play a role in the fight for freedom.

Love Always,

Karen <3

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