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Catering to Your Mental Health

For those who don’t know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month! The value of mental well-being is often overlooked, and I cannot stress ENOUGH the importance of it. It is essential to recognize the positive consequences of prioritizing mental wellness. Life is unpredictable and as we change with the times, we should take the time to adjust both physically and mentally.

COVID-19, quarantine and so many other transitions have brought a wave of changes that no one could predict. It is so easy to get overwhelmed, feel the need to be over-productive to compensate for changes, or drift away into loneliness and anger. Isolation is not a human condition that we should normalize but it is the normal we have right now. It can be so frustrating and draining to try to find ways to keep your spirits up. I’ve been there and I’m still there but I am making it through one step at a time. When things get challenging mentally it is hard to figure out what to do. So, I wanted to share some of my tips for prioritizing your mental health in this period (and really all the time)!

Taking a Social Media Detox: Social media can be SO taxing. I have felt all the comparison and FOMO feelings. It is important to remind ourselves to not get stuck in comparison trap with those around us, but sometimes, a detox is just what we need. I personally feel it when I am going through a rut and log in and see all my friends living their best lives. Not every circumstance is equivalent to the one you are in. Taking the time to detox from some of the negative aspects of social media and focusing on what matters most to you can be so relieving.

Let Yourself Feel the Emotions: I struggle with this a lot. As an older sibling, I have a fear of showing any type of emotion that makes me look weak in front of the people that look up to me. Remember, we are all human. Life is not perfect and that is okay! Allow yourself to cry, get angry, and just let it all out. Do not let yourself resort to keeping things in, let yourself be human!

Writing Down Your Goals and Accomplishments: There are times when I feel like I am just inadequate. I compare my grades, relationships, and circumstances to those around me. There are moments where we feel uninspired and unmotivated. Taking time to reflect on all you have done, everything that you are proud of, and all the things you wish to accomplish in the future can inspire you!

Remember Mental Health is just as Important as Physical Health: Commit the same amount of time that you do to your physical health to your mental health. Just because mental health is not outwardly seen, there is no excuse to not prioritize it. Once your mental health is in balance, it is easier for other things to fall into place. The impacts of mental illness are just as detrimental as those of physical illness. Promote healthy behavior all around! Mental health AND physical health are important. There is no hierarchy.

Getting Enough Sleep: Y’ALL…I have a bedtime. I swear! The neuroscience in me will tell you, please make getting enough sleep a priority! Sleeping is your time to recharge. Your brain removes toxins and does a ton of housekeeping so you can get up and grind! Let your brain do its thing and keep you healthy. Sometimes it is hard to find time to fit everything in your day and get a good night’s sleep! A little tip I would give is to plan your week at the beginning of it and plan around an ideal sleep schedule. That way, you are prioritizing what you need to get done and putting your mental health first!

DO NOT be afraid to ask for help: I pride myself in being an independent, take no BS woman! It is hard for me to ask for help! I often look at asking for help as something belittling, but I am learning every day that it is not! No matter how much I try to believe I can do it all, it is just impossible to handle all things alone. Do not be afraid to reach out to people, take breaks, and delegate! Your mental health WILL thank you!

Put Yourself First and Surround Yourself with People who Respect That: THIS MY MOST IMPORTANT ONE. I will admit that I can sometimes resort to being a people pleaser. I want to do all the things I can to make as many people in my life happy. April 2020 was a ROUGH month for me. The strain I was putting on myself to make everyone happy was taking the worst toll on me, and I fell to a really dark spot. I was putting effort into maintaining my GPA, making time to interact with all my friends in the way I did before quarantine, and sustaining a relationship that expected way more than I could give. I came to the point where I was restless and failing.

It was that time when I decided to do things on my own terms. I cut some things out. I cut some people out. Some people were with me, some people weren’t and that is OKAY! Your life is FOR YOU, not for other people. I feel like social media builds a bad rep around ‘cancel culture’ but sometimes that is the step you must take! Cancel the things in your life that are not fulfilling you and invest in the things that do. Put your dreams/happiness/life first and have a strong support system that lifts you up rather than tears you down. I am learning to be that person for people. I am here willing to give all the tough and unconditional love to help you grow!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and never disregard your mental wellness!

Love always,

Karen <3

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