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Dorm Essentials (with Packing List freebie!)

What is “Conquering COVID-19”? This is a small series designed to help incoming and current college students navigate university life in the era of COVID-19. This series consists of advice, freebies, tips, and tricks to use for the upcoming year from the GPSNeeded Blog, run by a rising sophomore student at Rice University, taking the same journey!

Dorm photo found via Pinterest


By now, I am sure that a lot of us have figured out our plans for the upcoming semester. Some of us are starting to gear up for that back to campus life (myself included)! We have been away from college for so long and it's easy to get stumped when figuring out just what you need to bring back. So, I thought I’d share some of my dorm essentials to give y’all some inspiration for those packing up to head back!

  • Table/Wall Calendar: I am such a minimalist and I feel that a piece like this always brings the room together! I honestly think that any type of large calendar that you can use to keep track of major events/exams is essential! As a college student, I spend a decent amount of time looking at my desk and will write down major events on my calendar just to remember them!

  • A rug: The dorm rooms at Rice do not have any carpet so a rug is super essential when those floors start getting cold! Even if you do have a carpet, a rug always does a nice job of bringing the room together and deafening the sound for any neighbors you may have below you.

  • Wall mirror: I really loved being able to have a full-length mirror to use when getting ready. Chances are you will only have your bathroom mirror when you get your dorm so having a wall mirror can prove very useful to have. They don't take up too much space either.

  • GOOD lamps: Let me tell y’all… Dorm lighting is not cute! Having a good desk lamp and other sources of light will give your room just the touch it needs. I really recommend a good desk lamp, especially with classes being offered online. You might find yourself doing a lot of your work in the comfort of your dorm so try to have some good lighting to do it with!

  • Comfy bedding w/ Mattress topper: Comfortable bedding is certainly a must when it comes to dorm living. You are going to be living away from home and (hopefully) getting a good night's sleep for the college grind. There's nothing better than relaxing in a nice comfortable bed! Comfy bedding for the win!

  • Power strips: Most dorm rooms will have very few outlets and in some very inconvenient places. Power strips allow you to spread out the things you want to plug in so those items are more accessible to you! You can never go wrong with a few more accessible outlets in your room!

  • Phone cardholder: This is probably one of the most useful things! Having an ID holder on your phone is a good way to keep track of your ID and not lose it! It can be quite a hassle carrying a wallet with your student ID and all other necessary cards needed to get around the college. Having a phone wallet is very convenient!

  • Indoor Plants: These do an amazing job of tying the room together. I love plants and having some greenery in your room can also be great for your mental health! There are so many indoor plants that are completely easy to take care of as well! I personally was never a "plant person" prior to college but once I got my own, I have loved them ever since and have even invested in taking care of my own at home!

Obviously, there is so much more to consider when packing up for the school year and I could go on and on. So, I have also included a FREE Dorm packing list for the upcoming semester to make sure that you are not missing some of the essentials that you'll need! This list is specifically adjusted to the current situation and includes some things that I think will be nice to have in a socially distant semester! Wishing y'all a safe and happy school year!

Packing List Freebie:

GPSNeededBlog Packing List!
Download PDF • 127KB

For some clothing packing advice, check out this post by my wonderful friend Grace!

Love Always,

Karen <3

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