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New Year, New Gear: Let's talk about Comeback!

There's no better way to start the new year than with a little closet clean-out or some new additions! Remember all those t-shirts you got during freshman orientation of college that you never wore again? Or maybe you have some sports and college gear that you have just straight up grown out? Looking for a way to make a little extra money for the comfort of your own home? If so, Comeback might just be the answer to all your problems!

Comeback is a reselling website where you can sell branded college, sports or camp gear and even acquire some of your own! I got the chance to talk to the founder of this website and love everything about it! She started with this idea in Spring 2020 when selling some of her own belongings. She came across some of her daughter's camp gear and immediately become inspired with the idea of selling branded items at affordable prices so people can buy them and have the mementos for themselves.

“I created a platform where people could go and resell their branded camp, college and sports team gear. I've always been about "sharing is caring", so why not let someone else get some joy out of something, while making a few extra bucks... ya know, for ice cream!” - Adena, Founder of Comeback

I am all about supporting small business, college life and thrifting and this is the perfect combination of all three. I fell in love with the college gear aspect of it all! College gets expensive and unfortunately so does college gear. It’s hard to show all the school spirit you can, when the perfect sweatshirt for your school is selling in the bookstore for $100! YIKES!

College attire can get expensive but it doesn’t have to be! This new year, check out comeback! Whether you have some gear of your own that you are looking to share so someone out there can have college gear at an affordable price or if you are looking for some of your own, take a scroll through the website and see if there is anything from your own school or favorite sports team!

And it is so user-friendly! Here's a little run down of how it works!

Details on how to sell and buy items from Comeback can be found here! Everything can be done from the comfort of your own home! If you do not see your college listed, you can always contact the owner and get it available! Let me know if you check out comeback!

Love Always,


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